Release date:2015-2-16   Clicks:1322


Zinc selenide is a clear yellow polycrystalline material with a grain size of approximately 70 µm,transmitting in the range 0.5-15µm.It is essentially free of extrinsic impurity absorptions,providing extremely low bulk losses from scatter.Zinc Selenide, produced by the method of chemical vapour deposition, is the preferred material for optics used in high power CO2 laser systems due to its low absorption and  high resistance to thermal shock making at 10.6µm.However it is also a popular choice in systems operating at various bands within its wide transmission range.


Optical Properties Transmission Range  0.5-15μm Mechanical Properties Young's Modulus 67.2 GPa (9.75 x 106 psi)
Bulk Absorption  <= 0.0005 cm-1@ 10.6µm Rupture Modulus 55.1 MPa (8,000 psi)
Coefficient  Knoop Hardness 105-120 kg/mm2
Temp. Change of  61 x 10-6/°C@ 10.6µm Poisson's 0.28
Refractive Index  Ratio
Refractive Index  < 3 x 10-6@ 632.8 nm Physical Properties Chemical purity 99.9996%
Non-homogeneity Grain size 50 - 70 μm
Thermal Properties ThermalConductivity 0.18 W/cm/°C@ 20° C Density 5.27 g/cm3
Specific Heat 0.356 J/g/°C Resistivity ≈1012(Ωcm)
Linear Expansion  7.57 x 10-6/°C@ 20° C Crystal cubic
Coefficient structure


                            Indices of Refraction (n) of CVD ZINC SELENIDE

                       as a function of wavelength at room temperature (20°C)

Wavelength n Wavelength n Wavelength n Wavelength n
(μm) (μm) (μm) (μm)
0.54 2.6754 1.80 2.4496 7.40 2.4201 13.00 2.3850
0.58 2.6312 2.20 2.4437 7.80 2.4183 13.40 2.3816
0.62 2.5994 2.60 2.4401 8.20 2.4163 13.80 2.3781
0.66 2.5755 3.00 2.4376 8.60 2.4143 14.20 2.3744
0.70 2.5568 3.40 2.4356 9.00 2.4122 14.60 2.3705
0.74 2.5418 3.80 2.4339 9.40 2.4100 15.00 2.3665
0.78 2.5295 4.20 2.4324 9.80 2.4077 15.40 2.3623
0.82 2.5193 4.60 2.4309 10.20 2.4053 15.80 2.3579
0.86 2.5107 5.0 2.4295 10.60 2.4028 16.20 2.3534
0.90 2.5034 5.40 2.4281 11.00 2.4001 16.60 2.3487
0.94 2.4971 5.80 2.4266 11.40 2.3974 17.00 2.3438
0.98 2.4916 6.20 2.4251 11.80 2.3945 17.80 2.3333
1.00 2.4892 6.60 2.4235 12.20 2.3915 18.20 2.3278
1.40 2.4609 7.00 2.4218 12.60 2.3883 - -


                           CVD ZINC SELENIDE  TRANSMISSION

Copyright Changsha Rongsheng Optical Technology Co., Ltd.
Phone:0731-89793990 Address:186 Valley Road, High-Tech Development Zone, Changsha Court